Algorithmic Penalty Recovery Service

Has your traffic dropped? Do you think your website has been hit by an algorithmic penalty? Reach out to us for help.

How We Restore Websites After Algorithmic Penalties

Algorithmic penalty recovery is one of our core specialties. The majority of Google penalties we handle are algorithmic in nature. We’ve dealt with a wide range of algorithmic penalties, from the well-known Panda and Penguin to more complex algorithms like the Helpful Content Update.

Google’s algorithmic penalties are automatic sanctions imposed on websites that violate specific Google rules and standards. These penalties result from algorithms that analyze websites for compliance with various quality and relevance criteria.

As a result, your website may suddenly lose a significant portion of its search traffic. But don’t lose hope. We can help you accurately identify the cause of the penalty and provide valuable recommendations for resolving it.

Send your inquiry, and we’ll get to work on your recovery.

What's the Biggest Challenge?

The most significant challenge in recovering from an algorithmic penalty is identifying the exact cause. And there are usually multiple reasons, not just one. Google’s algorithms are complex and constantly evolving, making it difficult to pinpoint the specific issue without in-depth analysis.

From our experience, we’ve noticed that websites often experience traffic losses for reasons other than penalties. These could be due to a WordPress update, the installation of untested plugins or scripts, server issues, seasonal drops in traffic, or even simple human errors made by website editors. So, our initial step is to confirm that we’re really dealing with an algorithmic Google penalty.

Our Strategy for Detecting Algorithmic Penalties

Because algorithmic penalties do not come with a direct notification in Google Search Console, many site owners may not even realize why their traffic has dropped. Our expertise lies in unraveling these complexities and providing a clear path to recovery.

Our detection strategy kicks off by thoroughly verifying that your website has actually lost traffic due to an algorithmic penalty.

Our next step involves pinpointing the specific Google update that led to the traffic decline. Next, we analyze your site’s performance data, review recent Google updates, and compare your site’s metrics from before and after the penalty.

This helps us detect patterns and anomalies that offer more insight into the potential reasons for the penalty. We then leverage advanced SEO tools and our industry expertise to identify the precise factors that caused the penalty.

These factors, or rather errors, have varying levels of significance in causing the website’s penalty. We prioritize them in our reports to address the most critical issues first, moving to less important ones afterward. This approach ensures the best possible results.

How Quickly Can an Algorithmic Penalty Be Lifted?

The time it takes to lift a Google algorithmic penalty can vary greatly depending on the severity of the issues and the steps taken to resolve them.

Unfortunately, in about 4 out of 5 cases, traffic recovery after an algorithmic penalty does not happen immediately after fixing all errors but rather when the next Google update is released.

So, for example, if a website was impacted after a Google Core Update, the penalty may not be lifted until the next Google Core Update is rolled out, provided that all causes of the penalty have been fully addressed.

And only in around 25% of cases is it possible to remove an algorithmic penalty within a few weeks (or, less commonly, months) after correcting the site’s issues, without having to wait for the next Google Update.

It’s important to note that there is no guaranteed timeline for recovery, as it largely depends on the specific algorithm that caused the penalty and how comprehensive the fixes are. Regularly monitoring the site’s performance in GSC, continuously improving content quality, and building high-quality backlinks can help speed up the process.

Case Study: Lifting an Algorithmic Penalty After Product Reviews Update

This case of recovering a website from an algorithmic penalty is one of the more challenging and prolonged ones, where we had to leverage all our skills and experience to solve the problem.

The client’s website was a typical, older review site containing many ranking articles, product reviews, and comparison pieces. After the Product Reviews Update in September 2022, this site lost over 70% of its search traffic. Despite the client’s team efforts to rewrite some articles and remove pages with weak content, the website’s traffic did not show signs of recovery.

The RecoveryForge team conducted a comprehensive audit of the website, with a particular focus on content analysis and evaluation. We first identified what changes the client’s team had made shortly before the traffic drop and what had been corrected after the penalty was imposed. This served as our starting point for the recovery process…

Ready to get rid of your penalty?

Let us know about your issue and we will do everything we can to help your website recover its traffic. Fill out the form at the top of our website and send your inquiry. Our specialists will then get in touch with you.

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