Helping You Recover Traffic After a Google Penalty

Has your website traffic dropped? Send your inquiry - we'll help you identify the reasons for the drop and quickly recover your traffic.

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* Your data will only be used to address your inquiry. After receiving your inquiry, we will contact you and propose a strategy to recover your website’s traffic. Learn more about how we work.


Expert SEO Google Penalty Recovery Service

To restore organic traffic for websites affected by Google penalties, it’s not enough to be familiar with Google Webmaster guidelines or to just understand SEO.

One must have a deep understanding of how Google’s search algorithm works at present, be well-versed in all previous Google updates, and know which factors are important for each of them.

Our team has the skills and experience to help websites recover from Google penalties. We excel at overcoming both manual and algorithmic penalties, gaining extensive practical experience that now serves as our primary advantage.

We help websites recover from penalties following:

Trusted by 150,000+ trusted Company

Manual Penalty Recovery

Manual Penalties are actions taken by Google’s webspam team against a website that violates Google’s quality guidelines. Unlike algorithmic penalties, which are automated, manual penalties are issued after a human review.

It may seem surprising, but despite the harsh consequences, recovering from a manual penalty is often simpler than dealing with most algorithmic filters. When we encounter a manual penalty, we know exactly the primary cause since it is specified in the “Manual Actions” section of Google Search Console.

Additionally, we don’t need to wait for the next Google update to remove the penalty; a reconsideration request can be submitted immediately after addressing the website issues.

The chart is a classic example of a Google penalty recovery for a content website that received a manual penalty labeled “Unnatural links to your site” following the March 2024 Spam Update.

We conducted a thorough audit of the website’s backlink profile and identified all toxic and spam backlinks that led to the manual penalty. After removing these links, the website partially recovered its organic traffic.

Algorithmic Penalty Recovery

Restoring a website after an algorithmic penalty is complex and requires diagnosing the specific Google updates causing the traffic drop. We conduct a thorough audit to identify errors leading to the penalty.

The task becomes more challenging if multiple algorithmic penalties occur simultaneously, which unfortunately is not uncommon.

Here is the traffic chart of a review website we restored following the September 2022 Product Reviews Update. At the end of September 2022, this website lost over 70% of its organic traffic.

After identifying the causes, most of which were related to content and EEAT and implementing our recommendations, this website not only recovered its traffic but also increased it by 25-30%. This is undoubtedly a brilliant result. The website team continues to work on the site following our recommendations.

Why do clients choose us?

You might wonder why RecoveryForge is the preferred choice for restoring organic traffic.
Here are our three main advantages:

Expertise and Experience

RecoveryForge specialize in recovering websites from Google penalties. This means we focus exclusively on this area, allowing us to understand the nuances and intricacies involved in successfully lifting Google penalties from our clients' websites, even if the penalties were imposed many years ago.

Privacy is Our Priority

RecoveryForge always protects and respects the privacy of its clients. We use client information solely to restore website traffic. The data we receive from clients will not be shared with third parties and will never be published without their consent. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.

Affordable Pricing

RecoveryForge offers flexible pricing. This means that the cost of our services depends solely on the volume of work and the hours spent. The larger the website and the more Google penalties it has, the more work is required, and therefore, the higher the price. The starting price for simple websites with a single penalty begins at $500.

What we offer

What Google Penalty Removal Services We Offer

Unnatural Links Penalty Recovery

Unnatural Links Penalty targets websites using manipulative linking practices to boost search rankings. This penalty, applied manually or algorithmically, focuses on links violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, such as paid links, link exchanges, or links from low-quality sites.

Thin Content Penalty Recovery

Thin Content Penalty by Google targets websites with low-quality or insufficient content that provides little value to users. This penalty, often triggered by pages that are too short, duplicate, or auto generated, reduces the site's visibility in search results.

Helpful Content Update Penalty Recovery

Google Helpful Content Update targets websites with content created primarily for search engine rankings rather than to help users. This penalty affects sites with a significant amount of low-quality or unhelpful content, as well as those not adhering to E-E-A-T principles.

Google Panda Penalty Recovery

Google Panda, introduced in 2011, targets websites with low-quality, useless, or duplicate content. It is now part of the Google core algorithm and continues to penalize sites with weak content.

Google Penguin Penalty Recovery

Google Penguin, introduced in 2013, targets websites with spammy, toxic links, and unnatural anchor texts. It penalizes sites using link farms to manipulate search rankings. This penalty is also now included in the core algorithm.

Negative SEO Recovery

Negative SEO refers to actions by malicious parties and competitors aimed at lowering a website's ranking in search results. These actions typically involve harmful practices such as creating spammy backlinks, duplicating content, and hacking.

What you get

We will identify the causes of your Google penalties

At RecoveryForge, we take a professional approach to Google penalty recovery. First, we narrow down the potential issues by identifying which updates caused the traffic drop. Then, we pinpoint the exact reasons for the penalties. As a result, our clients receive the following from us:

Report #1: Accurate Diagnosis

We will identify which specific Google updates caused the traffic drop, display them on graphs, and provide explanations for each.

Report #2: Identifying Causes and Errors

We will analyze your website to find the reasons behind the Google penalties. These will be prioritized from the most to the least significant.

Error Correction Recommendations

In our reports, we not only highlight the errors but also provide recommendations for fixing them. This way, you will know what needs to be corrected and how to do it.

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Latest case study

How we recovered traffic for a SaaS website after the March 2024 core update

This is the latest successful case of our Google penalty recovery service. The owners of a SaaS website selling an online product to the US market approached us. After March 5, 2024, this website lost nearly 50% of its organic traffic, and their SEO specialists couldn’t identify the reasons for the drop…

How does the Google penalty recovery service work?

RecoveryForge has a simple and transparent collaboration process. No matter what platform your website is on, the path to recovering it from Google penalties consists of three steps:

Data collection and preliminary website analysis

After you send us an inquiry, we will send you a welcome letter asking you to provide read-only access to Google Search Console and Google Analytics. We will also ask you a few questions about your website. Once we have access and answers to the questions, we can double-check and make sure that the reason for your traffic drop is indeed due to Google penalties, and not, for example, due to technical issues, CMS updates, plugin installations, seasonal traffic drops, etc.

Identifying Google updates leading to penalties

Having confirmed that the drop is indeed due to Google penalties, our experts will determine which specific Google updates led to the penalties and how many there were in total. Based on this data and an analysis of the website, we will calculate how much time we will need to find all the reasons that led to the penalties and the cost of these efforts. Afterward, we will inform you about which Google updates affected your website, show this on graphs, inform you how much time and cost the work will require. Then, after your agreement, we will send you a contract to sign as well as an invoice for payment.

Identifying reasons for penalties and making recommendations

Once we receive your signed contract and payment, we will begin a deep analysis of your website. Our goal is to identify all potential causes that led to the imposition of penalties. As a result, you will receive two reports: Report #1 indicating and describing all Google updates that led to penalties. Report #2 describing all website errors with recommendations for their correction. Errors will be prioritized - from critically important (direct causes of traffic decline) to less important, but still influential on ranking in search engines. In conclusion, recommendations will be given that will help to quickly restore traffic.

Check real penalty removal SEO case studies

The best proof of expertise and ability to recover websites from penalties is, of course, case studies. Check out our case studies on successful website recoveries, where we detail how we identified the issues that led to Google penalties.

You will learn:

* The information presented in our case studies is published with client permission. Charts, GSC, GA and other images are also provided or approved by clients for publication. RecoveryForge does not disclose any client business or website information without obtaining their consent.
Restoring a SaaS Website
How we recovered a SaaS website after the March 2024 Core Update
Manual Penalty Recovery
How we recovered an affiliate website after receiving a penalty for ‘Unnatural Links’
Recovery of a Review Website
How we recovered a review site after the September 2022 Product Reviews Update
Website Recovery After HCU
A project we are currently working on…

Our clients about our service


Penalty Recovery FAQs

Google penalty is a negative impact on a website's search rankings based on updates to Google's search algorithms or manual review processes. Penalties can result from practices that violate Google's Webmaster Guidelines, such as using black-hat SEO tactics or having low-quality backlinks. When a penalty is applied, your website may drop significantly in search rankings or be removed from the search index entirely.

There are two main types of Google penalties: algorithmic and manual.

Algorithmic Penalties
These occur when your site is affected by an update to Google's search algorithms, such as Google Core Update or Helpful Content Update. These updates automatically assess and rank websites based on the quality and relevance of their content and backlinks.

Manual Penalties
These are imposed by human reviewers at Google who identify and flag websites for violations of Google's guidelines. A manual penalty can be due to issues like unnatural backlinks, thin content, or keyword stuffing.

There are several indicators that your website may have been penalized by Google:

Significant Drop in Traffic - a sudden and significant drop in organic search traffic is a common sign of a penalty.

Search Console Notifications - if you have a manual penalty, Google will typically notify you through the Google Search Console with details on the issue.

Loss of Rankings - if your website suddenly loses its rankings for key search terms, it may be due to a penalty.

De-indexing - in severe cases, your website may be completely removed from Google's search index.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover your website from a Google penalty on your own. This is due to the complexity of identifying the causes of penalties and the errors on the website that led to these issues. Especially when a person lacks proper up-to-date knowledge and experience in successfully restoring websites.

This is why many SEO agencies that successfully promote websites in search engines are often reluctant to take on Google penalty recovery or provide this service only in exceptional cases. For instance, in the case of a manual Penguin penalty, where the work involves only filtering out toxic and spammy backlinks.

To summarize, if your website has lost organic traffic due to a penalty, you should contact a specialized Google penalty recovery agency that has successful cases of website recovery. For example, our agency - RecoveryForge.

With extensive experience in Google penalty recovery, our agency can accurately determine which specific Google updates led to penalties on your website. Often, it’s not just one update but two or more.

Knowing this, we can match the knowledge about these updates with the likely causes we find on your website. These can include technical errors, content issues, incoming or outgoing links, query cannibalization, or poor user interaction with your site.

By conducting a detailed analysis of your website, we will identify all the errors that we believe led to the penalties. We will provide you with a detailed report, where all the errors are sorted by priority, highlighting their impact on traffic decline. We will not only describe each error but also offer recommendations on how to fix each one in the best possible way.

In conclusion, we will tell you about indirect methods to expedite the recovery of your website from penalties. These methods have already proven effective and have helped restore our clients' websites.

We have a much better chance of helping you recover your website from Google penalties than most regular SEO agencies. There are at least two reasons for this:

Firstly, we specialize exclusively in Google penalty recovery - this is our primary and only service in which we improve day by day. We do not sell standard SEO services, do not engage in link building, and do not provide SEO content writing services, etc. - only Google penalty recovery.

Secondly, we have extensive experience in website recovery. We restored our first website from a Penguin penalty in 2014. Since then, we have audited dozens of penalized websites, encountered various situations, and gained invaluable experience that enables us to perform our work effectively.

  • Send your inquiry and briefly describe your problem.
  • Provide us with read-only access to Google Search Console and Google Analytics.
  • Answer a few of our questions (via email).

After this, we will know exactly what we're dealing with, the scope of work, and how much it will cost you.

RecoveryForge offers flexible pricing based on the amount of work required. The larger and more complex the website - with more sections, pages, and language versions - the more effort and time will be needed to identify all the causes of Google penalties. The number of Google penalties on the website also matters. As a reference, the minimum cost for a small website with one Google penalty is $500.

Yes, we offer additional services that are related to website recovery:

Manual Backlink Profile Audit - using several SEO tools simultaneously, we will find all links pointing to your website and manually check each one for toxicity and spam. You will receive a report where all backlinks are categorized into several sections:
A. No risk links
B. Minimal risk
C. Low risk
D. Medium risk
E. High links

This way, you can remove the backlinks that pose a higher risk to your website. If physical removal of these links is not possible, we will guide you on exactly how to use the Disavow Links Tool to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Manual Content Pages Audit - we will manually analyze all content pages of your website to identify which ones have minimal organic traffic or no traffic at all (so-called zombie pages); which pages have insufficiently useful content (weak user engagement); which pages contain non-unique content (possibly stolen by other websites); which pages have low perceived worth, and other important indicators.

You will receive a report indicating which content pages need to be completely deleted, which ones to improve and update, and which ones to rewrite entirely. Additionally, we will provide recommendations on how to do this.

This service will be useful for websites that have already been penalized by Google and those that haven't yet but want to avoid penalties in the future.

While no SEO service can guarantee specific outcomes since it doesn't have direct access to Google's algorithms, we are committed to providing the best possible results for your website's recovery. Our extensive experience and data-driven approach ensure that we work diligently to improve your search traffic and address any penalties.

Our team has successfully helped numerous clients recover from penalties, leveraging our deep understanding of SEO and commitment to excellence. We approach each project with transparency, keeping you informed every step of the way, and focusing on delivering measurable improvements.

The speed at which websites recover varies depending on the type of Google penalty. For algorithmic penalties, you usually have to wait for the next Google update. For example, if your website was affected by a Google Core Update, the penalty might be lifted with the release of a new Google Core Update, provided you’ve fixed all the issues on your site.

In some cases, penalties can be lifted shortly after making corrections to your website, without having to wait for the next Google update. However, this is more of an exception than a standard practice.

For manual penalties, you don’t need to wait for a new Google update. Google reviews the website immediately after you submit a reconsideration request.