Penalty recovery FAQs

About Penalties

If your website has experienced a sudden drop in search traffic, either partially or completely, and you're sure it's not due to your own actions (like a WordPress update), this might be a sign of a penalty.

Another step you can take to check for penalties is to visit the "Manual Actions" section in Google Search Console. This section will indicate if there's a manual penalty against your site.

Unfortunately, there's no simple way to identify algorithmic penalties. Only professionals with experience in penalty recovery can accurately determine their presence.

Broadly, all Google penalties can be divided into two types:

Manual penalties are actions taken by Google's human reviewers against a site that violates Google's guidelines.

Algorithmic penalties are automatic decreases in a site's rankings due to updates or changes in Google's search algorithms.

Penalties can also be classified based on the severity of their impact:

  • Partial loss of organic traffic for specific pages.
  • Partial loss of organic traffic for the entire website.
  • Deindexing or complete loss of organic traffic for specific pages.
  • Deindexing of the entire website.

It's impossible to predict exactly how long it will take to recover from a penalty. The duration depends on the specific penalty and the Google update that caused the loss of traffic.

Removing a manual penalty can take anywhere from several weeks to several months after submitting a reconsideration request in Google Search Console.

Recovering from an algorithmic filter typically happens (but not always) after a new update from Google, provided all issues that led to the penalty have been resolved.

This is often the case. We've seen very few instances where website owners successfully recovered their sites on their own after a penalty. Even those with some SEO skills usually couldn't remove the penalty.

The main issue is that these efforts often complicate future work for penalty recovery specialists. The website ends up significantly different from the one initially penalized by Google, making it harder to identify the real causes of the penalty.

We recommend consulting with experts (not necessarily us) as soon as you suspect a penalty. This increases the chances of successful recovery and saves time.

About Our Services

Certainly. You can check out our Case Studies section where we showcase our most successful website recovery cases.

Our goal is to recover the client's website from penalties. To achieve this, we analyze any factors that might be causing the penalty, even if they are indirect.
Our audit covers:

  • Website hacking
  • Website structure errors
  • EEAT issues
  • Content errors (text and visual content)
  • Internal linking errors
  • Backlink profile issues
  • Page loading issues
  • Indexing errors
  • Ad integration problems
  • Mobile site display issues
    and much more.

To gather data about your website, we need read-only access to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console. This access is only required for the duration of our work, and you can revoke it once our work is complete.

We also need you to answer a few questions about your website. This information will help us accurately diagnose and identify all the factors contributing to the penalties.

Our primary service is conducting emergency audits to identify the issues that led to the current Google penalty. We also provide detailed recommendations for fixing these issues.

However, we rarely implement these fixes ourselves. This is because we would need a much larger team to offer such services.

Our clients usually prefer to implement our recommendations on their own and at their own pace, so there is no need for us to expand our team. I would like to remind you that we do all our work in-house, without outsourcing. This is the only way to ensure high-quality work.

We cannot guarantee that your website will fully recover from a Google penalty. The reason is simple - we are not Google or a subsidiary of Google. No other SEO agency, regardless of their expertise, can guarantee to lift a Google penalty. Claiming otherwise would be dishonest.

However, we do guarantee to accurately diagnose the cause of traffic drops, pinpoint which updates led to the penalty, conduct a thorough emergency audit, and try to identify all the reasons for the penalty. We also provide a step-by-step guide for resolving these issues.

Pricing and Payment

We offer a flexible pricing system, and the cost of our work depends directly on the amount of work required. The larger the website, the more sections and pages it has, and the more active penalties it faces, the more effort and time we will need for recovery.

Consequently, the cost will be higher. For a rough estimate, the base cost for a small website with one Google penalty starts at $500.

Despite our already competitive prices, we are willing to offer a small discount for recovering multiple websites.

We accept the following payment methods: bank transfer and PayPal. If you prefer a different payment method, please contact us, and we will do our best to assist you.

No, we do not offer refunds. Once payment is received and the contract is signed, our work will be completed regardless. This means we will invest our time and effort into recovering your website, and this work must be paid for.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to ask, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.